A downloadable game for Windows

You're a pet-sitter who's job is to take care of Floppa and his friends! But can you survive?

Watch them through the cameras, pet them, give them food and don't let them attack you! No doors to save you this time!

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(17 total ratings)
AuthorLifetime Disaster
Tags2D, First-Person, floppa, Horror, Meme, Survival Horror


Five Nights With Floppa.rar 95 MB


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Guys you need to have itch io app to play

(2 edits)

Why is there no touchscreen? I play this game with a laptop that has touchscreen and it would be so much easier to play and I feel it would be easy to add, idk though, its the devs choice.

It took me so long how to beat jinx but now im on night 4 my best is 5am but I keep forgetting about saga. its fun though.

EDIT: Ok I beat night 4

how play?



(3 edits) (+1)

10/10. this game caused me stage 69 fear

edit:night 3 is literal hell. my best is 2 am but i died to sogga EVEN when i had the song on. do i need to have the song on IN the cat room????? if so then that dosen't make sense in the slightest. i literally didn't die to anyone else other than sogga. and also died by jinx 1 time because i was stupid and didn't pull out my camera in time even when i saw them leave the hallway 2 camera.

the game's good though,gotta say

EDIT 2:ok i beat night 3


If sogga is asleep, turn off the song. If he is awake, turn it on.


I mean,i was doing that but sometimes i just died.

how do i get on this gaem pls help

install itch.com and install it.

Im not even going to lie, i forgot this game existed, I only found out about it because i went on Nico the sergals youtube page, and from what I've seen, its a pretty cool game. don't know why its restricted but, its your property so I'm not going to ask

i need a 32 bit version


Esse jogo é bom

what was the engine used?

Construct 2

(1 edit)

Okay thanks 👍

Wait does it require coding knowledge because I'm kinda stupid and don't know how to code

(sorry for my bad english) I don't understand at the black cat, I forgot his name and he keeps jumpscareing me. please respond so I can figure out how to make him not jumpscare me anymore

He shows up in your room when you're not looking and you have to put your monitor down to stop him. Looking at him when he's in the camera right outside of your office slows him down

is this supported for windows 11

make for Linux pls


I was sadly unable to play this because I don't have a chomebook, but I'm sure its still a good game! unlesssss [sneaks onto brothers computer] jkjk I'm so cringe ;-;

how to counter the pop cat

double click on the camera he's in

Show post...


yes, just YES

make a website one of this


This is honestly a super well-made FNAF game!! Really enjoyed it!

good! but to hard for me

Buenardo me encantan los floppas

Game was good, needs a little work done on it tho. I love this game, just has glitches. 

un juego muy bueno solo que le falta un tutorial al español

Hola, aquí hay un tutorial en español. (No soy español. Usé Google Translate para hacer esto).

Floppa (si no sabes qué gato es quién, solo busca el nombre en Google)

está caminando alrededor de la casa y eventualmente llegará a su ubicación. Cuando eso suceda: haz clic en él 5 veces para que desaparezca.

Bingus: cuando sale de la habitación del gato: no lo mires demasiado en las cámaras.

Jinx: cuando está en el Hallway 2: puede entrar en tu habitación si la cámara está levantada y no estás mirando hacia el Hallway 2. Cuando eso suceda, baja la cámara y míralo antes de que desaparezca por completo de la pantalla.

Michael: cuando esté en tu habitación, haz clic en su olla para alimentarlo y hacer que se vaya.

Sogga: está durmiendo en la habitación de los gatos, pero eventualmente se despertará y tendrás que volver a dormirlo presionando el botón que dice:

"Song off". Esto activará su canción para dormir y eventualmente volverá a dormirse. Es muy MUY importante que apagues la canción cuando se vuelva a dormir. (Hazlo presionando el mismo botón que enciendes la canción)

Popcat: cuando salga de la habitación del gato, encuéntralo y haz doble clic en el botón de la cámara en el que está. Sigue haciéndolo antes de verlo en la habitación de los gatos.

Eso debería ser todo.

night 2 feels like night 4 or 5


ye it does,but its beatable since i did it

(1 edit)

Hello, I found the sound and pictures  for the game when searching trough the game files. They are hidden in a .nw file. SPOILER: This game has three endings, A 6th night and a custom night. I thought this was interesting for you.

Also, you can use the file to mod the game assets. Open it by double-clicking it in 7-Zip.

can you make this a web game FNWF 2? i have a chromebook and cant use these files

Can you port it to mobile? Played it on pc and it was very fun! I want to play it on mobile, too, and also port the second game, can you?

(1 edit)

5/5 unironicly very fun

floppa planet

night 2 is IMPOSSIBLE because bingus and jinx are in the same room at 1 AM and sogga wakes up so I have to play his music. And I have to look at jinx but not at bingus

You don't need to look at jinx in the cameras, you just have to look at her while she's in your office. Staring at her through the cams only stops her from getting in.

But how am i supposed to make sure jinx does not jumpscare me while sogga wants his music

I think you can leave the music playing without checking in the camera, then you go and stare into Jinx and check the music when you are done

night 2 isn't impossible,i beat it. legit. tip:dont look at bingus for too long,turn off music when sogga goes back to sleep,look at jinx on the camera to slow them down. i made this comment incase you're still stuck on night



Because your wifi is bad

(1 edit)

how do i run it


Download. Unzip/extract the files with either 7-zip or BreeZip. navigate to "Five Nights With Floppa.exe" and open it. 

yeh but its a rar file tho, not a zip


It shouldn't matter. I used 7-zip to extract the files

(1 edit)

lemme try 


I downloaded thanks for the help :>


can u help me if u have discor

Yeah, I have discord. Send your username and tag and I'll help you



I would really like it if, someone posted a guide on how to beat this game..

(2 edits)

i beat night 2,but thats it. im stuck on night 3 rn but if i beat it sometime i might make a lil guide

also spoiler alert,by looking at the game files,the game apparently has a NIGHT 6,3 ENDINGS AND A CUSTOM NIGHT. it would be literal hell if someone attempted all max mode on the custom night

Deleted 1 year ago

I loved it

Btw the person who recorded the phone calls wasn't me lol

Deleted 1 year ago

creator why isnt this avabale on web browser any more


finnaly, a good five nights at candy's Freddy's*


big floppa is cute i would like to pet it

when I click open file, it brings me back to this tab

what did you use to make this game?


construct 2

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